about me
Gerard Andrew Joseph James
alias: The One Hobbit or White Boy
4th July 1990
Child of God
Holy Spirit Youth (Koinonia)
Fellowship of the Big Wok
NJC 05IP05
Play Ultimate @ NJC
Team NJC Floorball Goalie 07-08
NJC 39th Student Council
9th Aqua House Vice Captain

11/04/04 11/05/04 11/14/04 11/18/04 11/20/04 11/22/04 11/30/04 12/07/04 01/25/05 02/02/05 02/22/05 04/25/05 04/29/05 05/03/05 05/07/05 05/10/05 05/16/05 05/29/05 06/01/05 06/10/05 07/13/05 08/10/05 11/03/05 03/10/06 06/12/08 07/08/08 07/19/08 07/29/08 08/20/08 08/24/08 08/28/08 08/29/08 08/31/08 09/05/08 09/07/08 09/09/08 09/18/08 09/20/08 09/24/08 09/28/08 10/07/08 10/16/08 10/22/08 10/27/08 11/05/08 11/24/08 01/01/09 01/03/09

yr cbox here! :D

links and credit
layout: god<3jo
code: detonatedlove
image: deviantart
brushes: seishido
inspiration: From the Inside Out by Hillsongs
edited with photoshop 6 and photofiltre

your links here.
link link link link

Thursday, August 28, 2008

and just like that prelims have come and gone! whoo! couldn't be happier that they're over!

and I got through it with the grace of GOD, for with God nothing is impossible

funny how as I was studying for lit yesterday, I was inspired by certain para-rhymes Owen used and some nice quotes and used them to write some poetry inspired by themes from Great Expectations, which certainly made last night a very productive one. two lines from the first one I wrote titled Kiss from a Rose (the rose being Estella for those who have read GE and the song of course made famous by Seal from one of the earlier Batman movies, awesome song but nothing to do with GE)

Resistance is futile they say and I know better than to oppose
For I am pulled by strings that drag me towards a compelling rose.

and the holidays promise a bit of rest and relaxation, some frisbee, and much philosophical considerations and intellectual stimulation.